Climate > Historical Climate Trends > Trends in Wet Days, Wet-Wet Days, and Cloudiness

Trends in Wet Days, Wet-Wet Days, and Cloudiness

This trend was associated with an increase in the number of wet days and wet days following wet days (consecutive-days with rain). For example, the probability of a wet day in Caro, Michigan, have increased from about one out of four days to one out of three within the last fifty years.

Given more wet days, it is also safe to assume that Cloudiness has increased during recent decades. Thus, overall climate has become wetter and cloudier in the Great Lakes region, especially during the last 50 years.


Daily Solar Radiation vs. Year, Lansing, MI, 1961-1990

Frequency of Web Days and Wet/Wet Days, Caro, MI, 1930-2000


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