Learn about Future Scenarios Tool
Perennial Crop
To learn more about future climate and the Future Scenarios Tool, go to the Climate section.
Example User Cases
To see examples of how to use the tool, check out the User Cases page.

Some features of the Historical Weather Tool include:
Audio/Visual Teaching Module:
An audio/visual teaching module is included as part of the Future Scenarios Tool to assist users in interpreting the scenarios and understanding the uncertainty surrounding the future scenarios. There are four modules, with each one addressing how to interpret a particular type of graph output.

Audio/Visual Teaching Modules:
Future Scenarios Tool Highlights:
- Simulations from four GCM models and two greenhouse emission scenarios were downscaled for 15 locations
- View how stakeholder-relevant indices (such as date of last spring frost) might change under future climate conditions
- Explore the range of uncertainty associated with this type of science research
- Graphs for the future climate scenarios can be viewed for early, mid and late century periods, including trends over the next 100 years