climate > Historical Weather Tool User Cases > Case 3 (Page 1)

Historical Weather Tool User Case 3 (Page 1)

Photo of a frozen cherry tree

Tart cherry growers look at the temperatures resulting in 2002 spring freeze.

Tart cherry growers in Northwestern Michigan have been experiencing unseasonably warm temperatures in April (2006), followed by several nights of temperatures below freezing and would like to know if these conditions are reminiscent of 2002, when the entire cherry crop was lost.

In this case, the Historical Weather Tool would be useful.

  1. They can check the minimum and maximum temperature historical records by clicking "Maple City " on the map and selecting "Range of Days in a Season", for the dates April 14 through April 30, 2002.
Screenshot of the Historical Weather Tool's input page
  1. The output shows the historical temperatures recorded in year 2002, which shows...
Screenshot of the Historical Weather Tool's result page

The summer-like temperatures brought overwintering crops out of dormancy and promoted early vegetative development, were followed by several mornings of prolonged freezing temperatures which resulted in cold injury and a reduction in crop yield potential.

In the following weeks, cool, wet, windy weather and another set of freezes and frosts combined to reduce the tart cherry crop by 90% statewide.

NEXT PAGE: How can the tart cherry growers compare temperature for the month of April 2000-2005?arrow

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